About Us
In 1984, six growers in Nova Scotia’s Eastern Kings County pooled their marketing efforts and Kings Produce was born. Since then, a hard working group of farmers has continued to cultivate new ideas for the production and post harvest handling of a wide array of vegetables destined for regional, national and international markets.

The fields that yield Kings Produce vegetables were first farmed over three hundred years ago. This tradition of sustainability is still evident today as the use of integrated pest management (IPM) and crop rotations help ensure that our soils remain healthy and our crop quality high. Records are kept to enable packages of our products to be traced back to the field from which they were produced. Our growers are as committed to food safety as they are driven by a passion to produce quality, wholesome products season after season.
Kings Produce was first in Atlantic Canada to embrace several innovative, quality-driven processes such as liquid icing and vacuum cooling to ensure fresh, crisp vegetables. Our modern warehousing and shipping facilities include temperature-controlled environments to accommodate the many different products we offer.
The quality of our vegetables is equalled only by the commitment of the people who bring them to you. Kings Produce growers are dedicated, full-time producers who take great pride in the vegetables they grow. Professional harvesters from the community and beyond give the same care and consideration to every product as they would when serving their own family. Well-trained local workers store and pack products for shipping using the latest technology to ensure that every vegetable remains fresh and full of flavour from soil to shelf. That is why Kings Produce has become the benchmark of quality wherever our products are found – and our commitment remains just as strong as we look to the future.